Residencias Artisticas

[hero_unit text=”Residencias artísticas UN (Artistic Residencies NU), RAUN, which main objective is to promote the cultural interchange, strengthening of artistic projects and academic dialogue between artists, graduate students and faculty of the Arts School at the National University of Colombia and the international community.
This platform seeks to diversify and strengthen the creation and academic reflection through the concept of artistic Residencies, based on the concept of cultural difference, contrast, mobility and to promote artistic spaces.
The guidelines in this program are contained within the National Program for knowledge internationalization 2013-2015 of the National University of Colombia.” btn_style=”default” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”]

[hero_unit text=”Residencias artísticas UN (Artistic Residencies NU), RAUN are pleased to present the Open Call 2015 for international artists who want to develop an art project at the National University of Colombia Bogotá campus; who will interact with students and teachers from the hosting graduate program or a research and extension office; and its project has to have a relationship with the host country. Last year we were glad to have 10 international artist who were under an academic exchange with a postgraduate program from the Faculty of Arts, they made public lectures open to all students. We like to invite you to participate in the Modality 1 for international artist.” btn_style=”default” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”]





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