Wedding Package

Wedding Package

Preparing for a wedding to take place properly involves a thousand and one of meticulous nuances… And while it’s not humanly possible to get your hold on each and every one of those, some things must be taken care of no matter what!

The first dance of the newlyweds, which immediately follows a wedding ceremony is one of those essential things.

While that may be absolutely true, the reality is that less than half of the newlyweds have any prior experience in dancing!

We’re sure that it is our mission as to fix that imparity and make all of the couples happily swing each other across the dance hall at a wedding dinner!

We’re sure, that any kind of a bride or a groom, regardless of what their music or dancing tastes are like will be able to choose a perfect wedding dance among our lineup of choices…

Currently, at our Wedding Package dancing classes for couples we provide teaching in the following dancing styles:

  • Latin European Ballroom Dances (Tango; Cha Cha etc…)
  • European Ballroom Dances (Foxtrot, Quickstep etc…)
  • Hip Hop, Jazz & Contemporary


  • 1 – 5 sessions per month $69.00
  • 15 – 15 sessions per month $59.00
  • 15 – 30 sessions per month $49.00


Mary is originally from London, where she initially picked up her first dancing moves, studying at a local studio…

Upon moving to the US with her husband, Marie has become so determined in switching her profession to something more exciting than the advertising copywriting, that she headed for an interview with us straight away!

After a few months of intensive training, Marie has become a part-time instructor at first, and within just a year – a regular dance coach within our studio’s big team!

Her specialty is definitely our Wedding Package Classes…

Maybe the reason for that is that while preparing for her own wedding, Marie has become so excited with the traditional wedding dances routine, that it has become her favorite one!

Looking for a unique workout?
sign up for our vivid dancing Classes!

See the Pictures our Instructors & Attendees Have Taken During the Recent Classes…